Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Loot Crate - January 2015 - Rewind


(Warning Picture Heavy Post Ahead)

Good Day Puddin' Cups!

I hope your New Year is going pretty well! Time sure is flying huh!? 
We are already on the 28th of January!? Where is it all going?!

Anymeer~! Today's first topic.... LOOT CRATE!

I first subscribed to Loot Crate as an early Valentine’s day gift for my boyfriend last year. 
I got the idea from a friend, thank you Jess, and thought to myself it be a great idea 
for someone who is really into geeky things. My boyfriend didn't have many collectable 
items and I felt this would be the best way of correcting that! A good start up per say. 
Boy was I pleasantly surprised! So much so I've kept it for the whole year.

Loot Crate is a monthly subscription that provides you with geeky and gamer related
goodies. It's, as described plenty of times before, like receiving a present every month!
You can subscribe for a single month plan for $19.37, three month plan for $55.11,
or a six month plan for $105.99. These charges are after applying shipping and handling.
It might sound pricey but the goodies make up for the charge, especially since they give
out plenty of Loot Crate Exclusives! If you want to give it a try you can use my referral 
and get a $3.00 off discount on your first subscription. Or you can use the theme code 
provided on their site for the month. I will try and update with the months theme so 
you can interpret whether it be worth it for that month.

For more information you can check out their site here :

January 2015 - REWIND

When you receive your box it should look a lot like this.
Depending on the items it might be a bit smaller, wider, maybe
a tad bigger. More often than not it is a black box embellished
with its name and logo

Voltron Blueprint Tee
Loot Crate Exclusive
Approx. Value : $15.00
Artist - Flophouse
The picture does not give this shirt justice. It is a black, thin, 
and form fitting t-shirt with an awesome blue print design of the defender 
of the universe ; VOLTRON! I hope to show it off sometime 
soon, keep watch on my Instagram for that ^_^!

10-Doh! Mini Figure
Loot Crate Exclusive
Approx. Value : $10.00
Some Assembly is required here!
Watch out for this little guy! He's going to sit on my computer
when I get my at home work area completely set up. 
The cartridge I got was a play on Back to the Future.

Look at this cutie!

8-Bit Sunglasses
Loot Crate Exclusive
Approx. Value : $5.00
Not only is it fitting for a fashionista, a geeky one at that,
it actually protects from the sun! UVA 400 Protection.
I'll show these off later too. Now I'm summer ready!

Space Invader
8-Bit Skinny Tie
Loot Crate Exclusive
Approx. Value : $15.00
This might be one me and my boyfriend will have to share.
I have to say, I LOVE the packaging. I hope they
continue with this because it is AWESOME.

So fancy!

Comic Note Book
Approx. Value : $3.00
This might be one of my favourite parts of this months crate!
I really want to make a tiny comic when I get the
opportunity and I'd love to share it with you guys!

You really get to personalize this! 
Perfect gift for artists :D!

All the additional goodies though!

Star Wars 001
Comic Book Variant
Loot Crate Exclusive
Approx. Value : $5.00
I retailed the value based on what an issue would run for 
at the comic book store. I have not read it yet 
but I have to say design wise it looks exquisite.

I apologize for the glare... BUT THAT DETAIL!

Every month you do get a pin that matches the months theme.
That cassette, brings me back to the good ol days.

Along with the monthly pin you get the monthly magazine.
Inside you will find interviews, detail of the items in your crate,
Mega Crate detail, along with games and the sort.

This month you got a pop out controller!
To match... just wait...

You invert the box and you have your very own Nintendo NES.
This too brings me back to my childhood, I have to say
best box design thus far! I'm loving this addition!

Out of the six items I am madly in love with four. The estimate 
total of this crate came to $53.00. Not to shabby! If you want 
nostalgia this is a box for you.

To summarize my overall experience with Loot Crate from last year...

There was a lot of up and downs with Loot Crate in the beginning,
missing packages, receiving the box in a horrible condition, etc. Things have definitely gotten
better and it looks like more effort is being put into presentation as well as merchandise.
I have a few friends who only do it for the shirt, but if that is the case I'd tell them to check
a T-Shirt site out and just order a $10-15 shirt from there. I feel it is a very lovely gift idea for someone who enjoys collecting or is a newbie at it and needs some where to start. My
boyfriend enjoyed his three months but has moments he wishes he himself signed up for
newer ones. I hope to stay in the Loot Crate family for as long as I can afford it.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I'd get to you as soon as I possibly can.

Thank you so much for sticking around, I do appreciate good company!
I hope you can join me again, until then ciao ^o^/)!


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